Cash Back that's got your back.

One click activation across thousands of stores, means you'll get cash back at lightning speed.

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on Google Chrome Store
Adblock Hero

Works on over 10,000 stores

One-click activation across thousands of stores means you'll get cash back at lightning speed.

OverlayInstant Rewards

Works seamlessly with Pie Adblock

Finally, an ad blocker that works with Cash Back. Pie Adblock is designed to complement the Pie Shopping extension, ensuring your rewards are protected. Together, they block intrusive ads while letting you earn from shopping and other features. The perfect balance—blocking the bad while keeping the good.

OverlayAdblock Popover

Block ads, get paid.

Enjoy premium adblocking features for free and even get paid to view ads if you choose. Finally, an adblocker that works for you.

Get the iOS app.

Premium Adblock and Shopping all in one extension! Pie for Mobile Safari allows you to earn rewards while you browse a completely ad-free mobile experience.

Download on the App Store
Pie for iOS
Automatic coupons and cash back are waiting for you.
Add the Chrome extension to enjoy a better internet today.